Salmon in the Classroom Timeline

November 15-December 15:  Set up and test your equipment to be sure everything is working properly before leaving for Christmas Break. (See appropriate set-up instructions) This is essential, because if you wait until just before the eggs are delivered, and have an equipment problem, there won’t be time to get it fixed in time for you to receive eggs for that year!

First week in January:  The eggs are delivered.

Egg delivery until the beginning of swim-up:  Remove any dead eggs or alevins and monitor the tank.

When about ½ of the fish absorb their egg sacs:  Remove the paper from the tank and begin to feed when about ½ are swimming up in the tank.  Begin the weekly water changes and bottom siphoning at this time.  (See rearing instructions)  Mechanical filtering pads in the filters should be rinsed regularly.

March to the end of the school year:  Release fish and report the required information for the WDFW State Permit.  Clean & store your equipment for the following year. (See year end instructions)

Available presentations:  (Contact Yakima Basin Environmental Education Program-see contact page)

Salmon spawning field trips on the Cle Elum River; the last 2 weeks of September and the first week in October

Salmon dissections; any time

Salmon life cycle; any time

Wild vs. Hatchery; any time

Stormwater & Groundwater Pollution; any time

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